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Saturday afternoon found me seated on the dining, thinking of my next career move. I’m considering two companies I’d seriously love to work with when I was blindsided by a flash of inspiration.

My recruiter knows both of them, but instead of waiting until Monday morning to send him a message about my desire to work for these two companies, I decided there and then to own the passion I have right now.

Putting off moments that could define your success is undermining your being.

Acting on your passion is explosive.

Rather than put down this words and stay put, I decided to dash off an email to the recruiter.

“Person X should definitely have coffee with me,” I told him

I listed the ten reasons why I can turn around their business and linked it back to my passion (blogging).

I closed with the email with “Can you feel my passion and energy?”

How much do you want it?

In the grips of passion, you have to ask yourself “How bad do you want it?”

Will you just sit or lie there dreaming and do nothing about it or are you going to make a way?

My career is down the drain, and only I can pick it up. Blaming, crying and complaining won’t be of any help. The passion of the current moment that course through me every now and then will.

This also applies to you. If you really want something, you do not only have to act but act with passion too. Deliberate on how to get the help you require and establish the connection.

You don’t have to be selfish too.

It is great to have passion, but you’ll also fail if all you use it for is to fulfill your own selfish desires. In the email I wrote to the recruiter, I told him that he should inform the two prospective companies that I will offer my services for free even if they don’t want to hire me. I went out on a limb and supported all my claims and promises with evidence.

“the willingness to give stuff away for free and in all humility is how you show people you care.”

When you combine this with passion, you have a potent brew of whoop ass that can help you achieve your goals – mine is transforming my career.

Your passion is attractive, and it’s what sells.

Every entrepreneur I have come across who has pitched successfully had used passion. Rather than merely informing their audience, they made them feel.

All the important decision we make are based on emotion and not logic. So when your passion shines through, you address the one thing they expect but won’t ever tell you: emotion.

When under the thrall of someone’s passion, I get Goosebumps down my spine, and I say yes to them almost every time.

Let’s add fear.

When you go all the way out, you’ll often get a sharp pang of fear. When you combine this fear with a generous dose of passion, you can achieve almost any results. For instance, when I do public speaking, I’m usually nervous. Fear energizes me and then I use passion to deliver my message.

By speaking passionately before an audience, I don’t need to consider my notes too much because my passions (like social media) are fixed in my memory.

Fear is like a strong dose of java for me, and it alerts me to the needs of the audiences and the way they feel.

The single biggest tip.

Once you’re having a moment of passion like I just did, then you have to use it.

“Moments of passion usually precedes a deep state of “flow” where you can achieve huge results with little effort.”

Never ignore a moment of passion. When you get one, stop whatever you were doing and using audio, video or words, capture the message. Recently, I have had issues with memory due to the presence of high levels of mercury in my blood.

Because of my faulty memory, I’m compelled to write things down and take action immediately before I forget what it was I was about to do.

This, though it seems like a weakness (not for long since I’m cleaning out the mercury) is actually one of my superpowers.

One trigger for a moment of passion is when something infuriates you. For example, if you go shopping today and you’re pissed off by all the food that is loaded with sugar, use that anger to do something about it or capture your thoughts.

I inspire many people because I capture Passion, store it, and deliver it to your phone or computer through the blogging medium. What I’m basically doing is capturing moments of passion. What I’m doing is looking for things in my internal and external world that will help you.

My main purpose is to use my passion to inspire you to action. I really want for you to achieve even your biggest goals.


I do not know if this email to the recruiter will achieve the required result. He might probably read it and think “Geez this Tim guy is so pathetic. Who’d write such an absurd email and actually send it?”

The fact is that I don’t care and you shouldn’t too. Your passion will resonate deeply with some people while others are going to believe you are crazy. The ones who don’t get you were never going to be of any help anyway so what you have achieved is self-select those that can help.

I no longer care about what people think, and I’m never going to hide my passion. I’ve been hiding my passion for years, and that didn’t get me anywhere. Start shooting for the stars and don’t worry if you miss.

Praying that this email works else at least I’ve got a nice story to tell. Isn’t it?

Hello Friends.

Embrace your passion right away!

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5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Using Props for Yoga



Props aren’t meant for beginners only.

There is a common misconception that experienced users have no use for props. Granted, with a lot of experience and improvement in flexibility, these props are probably unnecessary for some people but sometimes, people just let their ego get in the way of rational thinking. There is no shame in using a prop and it doesn’t take away from your skill.

More experienced yoga practitioners and instructors will tell you that using props isn’t meant for beginners alone or people who find it hard to touch their toes. There is no weakness in relying on these props for certain poses.

“Many students have a false perception that using props makes asanas [a.k.a. poses] ‘easier’ or ‘dumbs down’ a posture,” Ashleigh Sergeant, yoga instructor and head of yoga content at, tells SELF. “But with some basic education and a bit of practice letting go of that ego, yoga can be greatly enhanced and advanced through the use of props.”

These are a few reasons why you should consider using props:


With props, you can make your routines unique and thus get the best out of it specifically for you. It is a form of customization. “Props allow you to tailor your practice to the specific shape and structure of your body,” Sergeant says. With this strategy, you get to achieve the alignment that best suits you rather than trying to conform to a certain standard that may not be best for you.

Better breathing and relaxation

People have carried the no pain no gain mentality into yoga and this has made us neglectful of one of the most important factors which is the breath. It is very easy to cast aside your breathing when trying to achieve a difficult pose and this is not the best for your body. Yoga instructor Jessica Mathews says: “Using props helps you breathe properly, using deep diaphragmatic breath, which activates the parasympathetic nervous system, leading to a sense of calm,”

Calms your mind

There are exercises that can help you quiet your mind to a certain extent such as the ujjayi breathing used in yoga but props can also assist you better achieve this. “They help create moments of steadiness where you can be present and aware in your body, calming the chatter and distractions in the mind,” Matthews says. With props, you get to achieve a balanced pose and you don’t have to worry about falling at any point thus achieving a peaceful state of mind.

Permutations made easier

There are various permutations that can be made to different poses when you make use of props. For instance, you can achieve a certain variation of the bridge or camel pose when you squeeze a block between your legs. Props also make it easier to progress gradually through more advanced techniques.

Room for Improvements

With props, you are going to get a lot more feedback on how your body responds to different positions as you move in space. This can help you be more aware of your muscle imbalances and better help you understand your body workings. With this feedback, you can make adjustments to compensate for any issues you might have noticed.

Make a decision on whether you need props and if they will improve your poses. “Props open up more pathways to explore your practice, so notice the sensory feedback you receive (with and without props),” Sergeant says

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Why You Must Stick with Savasana



This seemingly inactive aspect of yoga is perhaps the most important.

It is always wonderful to see yoga practitioners settle into the restorative Savasana posture after an intense yoga class. It is equally frustrating to see people completely ignore this aspect of yoga.

This pose is also knowns as the corpse pose and mainly you just have to lay on your back, face up, eyes closed with your arms by your side and legs stretched out. You’re required to lay completely still and quiet your mind focusing on yourself and embracing all of the sensations of your body. Easier said than done though. Some people appreciate this pose as that opportunity to get a little meditation done and others simply can’t wait to leave as quickly as possible and thus skip it.

It is understandable that life is full of tasks and there is little time to waste considering all of the chores that must be done in a limited time. But since yoga is about doing what’s best for your wellbeing, it is perhaps necessary to consider taking out a little time for this practice no matter how little. A short practice is better than no practice at all.

Every time you skip this pose, you miss out on a couple of benefits that Savasana has to offer to us physically and mentally. It is a lot more than just lying down and it is indeed worth your time.

Savasana offers a rare opportunity to remove yourself from the chaos of life. This pose prepares you for the ability to remain still with a quiet mind.

“[Savasana] is a time to relax our efforts, stop ‘doing,’ and rest. Sometimes the few minutes of Savasana at the end of class is one of the only times we stop in the day for conscious rest,” Mariana Caplan, Ph.D., a psychotherapist, yoga teacher, and the author of Yoga & Psyche, tells SELF.

Savasana doesn’t have to take too much of your time, you can start small and gradually increase the time you spend doing it in increments of 30 seconds. For short spells, focus on steadying your breathing and relaxing your body. As you get more comfortable in the pose, you can start to extend the duration.

Savasana is not the easiest thing to do. It actually takes a lot of effort and that is the point. Staying still and focus is a lot of work in itself but the benefits make it worth your time.

“One of the common concerns many yoga students have expressed to me over the years is that they think they are doing it ‘wrong,’ because during Savasana they find themselves thinking about many things, or they feel restless rather than peaceful,” Caplan shares. “One of the most important things about Savasana and all yoga practice is that practice really is the goal.”

Skipping out on Savasana is basically denying your body an opportunity for an internal and emotional message. Your body will remain in an activated state and you’re denying it the rest and relaxation hat it deserves. We need to place a lot more emphasis on Savasana and the benefits are tangible even in the short term.

In the short-term, you’ll simply be able to go back into the real world a little more prepared. “[Savasana] is a moment to pause at the doorway between the yoga studio and the busy world that often awaits us just outside,” Caplan says. “In that pause, you can bring the balance, energy, insights, and awareness you experience on the mat into the world.”

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Five Steps to Positivity



One singular piece of advice that has resonated deep within me is ‘Self Focus,’ which means focus on being the best you can possibly be. Focus on setting goals for yourself and achieving them. Focus on learning and improving yourself daily.  In today’s world, where so much negativity abounds, this advice has stayed with me. Since most of this negativity comes from your interactions with other people, I’m going to show you how you can lead a more positive life by focusing on you.

  1. Gossip Less

It’s undeniable. We all love to gossip. It’s a natural thing to do and can be harmless. But then, it’s a huge drain of our time and can lead to comparisons and even worse –  judgment. You really should try this: stop talking about some other person for a week and instead, direct all your attention to your own life. You will observe some positive effects this simple exercise has on you.

  1. Unfollow

Hey! Why are you still following that annoying old classmate and scrolling through her timeline in irritation? Do yourself a favour by untying yourself with the unfollow button. Following someone, you find infuriating on social media and getting pissed on a daily basis is a sure way to infuse your life with negativity.

  1. Gratitude Heals

Personally, I have been focusing on this recently. Whenever I feel low or a bit miserable, I compile a gratitude list – all the wonderful things in my life which I often take for granted such as my health, food on the table, a cozy bed to tuck into, etc. it might seem simple, but it has such an empowering effect.

  1. Set Goals

This is very key! There is always room for improving yourself and setting personal goals helps you focus on yourself to become a better person. The goals don’t have to be lofty, making your bed every morning, getting more exercise or getting up 20 minutes earlier in the morning are all achievable and can greatly enhance your positivity and keep you motivated.

  1. Find Time To Recharge

Finally, its essential you take time to disconnect every week, even if it’s just for a few hours. I chose Sunday as my day of total relaxation and rest. I always go to work on Monday at my best because of it. With the very busy lives, most people live these days, this might be hard to do. However, you should try to structure in some ‘me time’ in your routine, and you’ll be much better for it.

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L’Occitane New Beauty Lounge: Hidden Gem In New York



Hello! Happy Thursday everyone! Yesterday, the beautiful people at L’Occitane kindly invited me to their brand-new Beauty Lounge for a facial – WOW! I can hardly wait to tell you all about it! Situated right inside their flagship store here in NYC, the Beauty Lounge is the first L’Occitane beauty lounge to open in the US, so as you would expect, I was super excited to go in and check it out. You all know how I love to take care of my skin and always on the alert for new ways to up my skin routine, so I was quite interested in experiencing a new type of facial and see if it will work for my skin.

But before I start gushing about the facial, I want to tell you about the beauty lounge itself. It can only be best described as a hidden gem, a cool oasis in the heart of all the madness. The store is situated in Flatiron, in the center of the city, but once inside, you will forget you are in Manhattan. The ambience is zen-like and totally amazing – smells heavenly, with white and yellow color schemes that lift your mood and the entire place looks like something straight out of a Pinterest board. Behind the store is where the new beauty lounge is, and that is where the fun begins.

I went for the ‘Classic facial’ out of a few facial options available. This particular facial is all about gentle exfoliation, improving circulation and hydrating the skin. As you might all know,  I’m about flying out to LA tomorrow for Coachella, and the treatment timing couldn’t have been better as flying adversely affects my skin. This therapy lasted for 60 minutes and is sold for $104. And truly, I cannot recommend it enough. If you are searching for a relaxing facial which will leave your skin glowing, then you just have to try this!. It even comes with a face, neck and shoulder massage which is utterly delicious

If you happen to be short on time, you can make use of your lunch hour to do an ‘express option’ which is about 30 minutes long and priced at $59. On the other hand, if you want your face pampered for longer, they have the ‘Signature Divine Facial’ which is 90 minutes long and sells for $159.

Each treatment is designed for your particular skin type, and afterwards, they will let you in on what was exactly used which is a great way to discover the perfect treatment for your skin. I was quite in my element since I love to learn about new skincare treatment procedures. You ought to have a good look at this if you plan on giving yourself a treat soon. You can thank me later.

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